Monday, November 14, 1949
46 West 83rd Street, Apt. 7B
New York City
Dear Art,
Did you see in Sunday’s Journal American about the robbery on 82nd Street on Saturday night? Shirl and I were witnesses. You know – a cop, bandit and bystander were shot at the liquor store robbery? We were on a bus when the shooting started. The bus continued up the block and stopped at that corner and stayed. It was just like watching a movie. We saw the robbers chased after, shot at, and caught. It just didn’t seem real.
I was down in the dumps last night. Everything was wrong. I have so much homework, I’ve spent so much more money than I should have, and above all I was terrified I would get sick again. Well Daddy says never mind the money, but I still feel guilty. Anyway, I had a good cry last night and feel fine today. No matter what anybody says, a good cry will chase the blues away. I almost enjoy them.
Well, tomorrow’s the 15th – exactly a month since my operation. What happens to time? Just think – I’ll never have one of those attacks again. Hooray!
Fashion sketch by
June Anderson. |
It was nice to hear your voice on Sunday.
I always seem to have plenty to say until the phone rings.
That’s all right – I like to listen to you.
Looks like you are going to the
Anchorage more now than you did when I was home.
Did you stay there all Saturday night or did you meander around?
I don’t like that long, low whistle in your latest letter. Ha! You’d better watch your step, young man! My prescription – you should go out with some nice young art student, approximately 20 or 21. To be more specific, a fashion illustration student is the ideal treatment for you. See what you can do about that.
I shall be very happy to give you the pleasure of my company Friday night (some conceit!).
Loads of Love,
(Tomorrow, spending money at Macy's...)
© 2010 Lee Price