Wednesday, August 31, 2011

The Day Before

The wedding's tomorrow!  June and Art concludes on September 1, 2011.

Friday, August 31, 1951:  It was a beautiful summer day in the Hamptons, with early morning temperatures in the low 70s climbing to 82° in the afternoon.  There was no rain that day.  For Saturday, the day of the wedding, the weather forecast called for a similarly nice day, maybe even a couple of degrees cooler.

People were traveling to Riverhead that Friday.  While many of Art’s relatives lived in the vicinity, June’s relatives were coming from both her mother’s home state of Virginia and her father’s home state of Connecticut.  Approximately 80 people had responded that they planned to attend the wedding.

Here are the names of the people who were definitely planning on attending a wedding at the United Methodist Church of Riverhead the following day:

(Tomorrow – June and Art concludes.)

© 2011 Lee Price

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